Have you noticed that God is working in your life? Have you ever reflected on the many ways God is constantly caring for you, guiding you, preparing you, nurturing you? It is ok if you haven't. Two years ago I was not aware of that myself.

In his goodness God has allowed me to discover, and marvel at, how He works in my life and in the lives of the people around me. And you know what? God works in very subtle, but powerful, ways. Today I would like to share with you one of the many ways in which God has shown me his love.

My journey to God has been pretty amazing so far. I used to be quite far from God, much, much farther than today. I am a sinner, but God, little by little, has brought me closer. There was a particular moment in which God touched my heart and my life. Six years ago I was a Sunday churchgoer, trying to do the minimum possible to feel good about myself. I was attracted to the Church, and interested in learning more, but I was afraid that getting closer to God would mean giving something up. It is for that reason that, when my wife and I were invited to the Christian Life Program here at Holy Redeemer, I didn't want to attend. I missed the first session, but God arranged everything for me to join the second session. Once I came, I could not wait until the next one!

The Christian Life Program opened my eyes to a reality that I was completely unaware of. The reality of God's love and goodness, the reality that he has a plan and a purpose for each one of us, a plan in which he prospers us.

On the fifth session, Fr. Paul talked about how loving God is not just a commandment, but it is the ultimate purpose and fulfilment of our life. It was during his teaching that our Lord Jesus Christ allowed me to personally encounter him. He opened up my heart, and enabled me to embrace him and to make him a central part of my life. And, from that moment, Jesus boosted up my life's transformation in ways I would have never imagined.

Dear brothers and sisters, in this journey towards God we are not alone. God is with us, working in our hearts and through people and circumstances around us. God invites us, and guides us to seek the freedom and joy that only he can give, yet, he does not push us, God is very patient and gentle.

All Glory, praise, and thanksgiving be to God.