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Divine Mercy Cenacle

Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
44 Rothesay Dr
Kanata, ON K2L 2X1
Norma Dawes
613 435 3469

As one venerates the image of the Divine Mercy, does the caption: Jesus, I trust in You make you sincerely believe that you trust in the Lord? Since our senses make us less reliant on what we do not see, we just might settle with a somewhat superficial trust. Well, the Cenacle of Divine Mercy just might be an opportunity to ponder on what Jesus is trying to say - to reassure us. 

In His private revelation to St. Faustina, He urged her to write down His messages. Thus was born the Diary which is filled with rich, profound words from Jesus Christ. We gather as a small group of 6-10 people every Tuesday at the Parish Library at 10:00 a.m. after the morning Mass. We follow the direction of a Formation Manual for the Cenacle which includes the suggested reading for the day along with the relevant Scripture and Catechism verses. We start with Thanksgiving Prayers, then the readings, followed by the Q & A on the subject, ending with individually voicing our Personal Petitions to the Lord. We pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy towards the end. We feel energized by the support we share with each other on our Catholic faith in just that one-hour session!